Thursday, December 30, 2010

Going forward, come with me!

So the old purge and reflect that happens around this time has struck. I feel the need to get on track with my blog. I started this over 2 years ago when I was in Canada and dreaming of all the things I would sew when I got back to my machine and really it has evolved into a rolling blog about my life. And who doesn't love peeking into someone elses life? So I've decided to clean and lay it all out for you.

Things you should know about me:

1. I'm phase-y. I go through spurts of motivation to do things, especially sewing, exercise, reading, eating, cooking, gardening and riding my bike to work.

2. I look for quick wins. I look for things I can complete quickly to give me a boost of motivation.

3. I'm a short-cutter. Not all the time, but I like to work with stretchy material so I don't have to sew zips.

4. I'm a proud iPhone owner. Most of my post will be from my phone and a lot of my photos it means I can update more.

5. I'm a lurker. I read tonnes of blogs but rarely comment, we have slow internet and I can't always think of something witty to say, but I love blogs and I definitely attribute any ideas/project that I've seen/stolen from the blog world.

6. I'm a list maker and list breaker. I rarely tick everything off my list and sometimes I put things down on my list that I know I will never do.

7. I live about 3.5 hours from most of my best friends. I love the lifestyle we have up here in country Victoria but miss Melbourne dearly, if only we were that little bit closer...

Things I will blog about:

1. Sewing

2. Op-shop finds

3. Our puppy Boston

4. Our garden and house

5. Our wedding in March

6. My weekends to Melbourne

7. Cooking

8. Other Blogs

9. Books

10. Silly photos I take

Things I want to do in 2011:

1. Blog once a week

2. Read 12 books and review them for you

3. Make something from each Burdastyle edition

4. Only buy 2nd hand clothes (nikkishell style)

5. Finish my wedding dress by the end of January

6. Sent lovely comments to you all on your blogs

There. Feels good. Safe new years to all.

Xx jess

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