Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I just remembered my Holga...

My fantastic sis F got me a Holga camera for my going away present 10 months ago. I had been banging on about it for aaaaages. There is something about the idea of film and the idea that even if you're the best photographer in the world the Holga still has a mind of it's own. I trawled through Flickr photos, I read and re-read the website and I was convinced that this might be the thing for me. I can't wait to find out. F wanted me to take a photo for every day that I was away, but film is a little on the 'out of my budget' side and so I resorted to carrying it everywhere with me and then as I feel the inspiration. I must admit, though, I have really not done that much in Canada but I have in Croatia, Hungary, Ireland and the places along the way. I can't wait to see how they turn out. It will take me some time before I print the photos so remind me later when I forget to show'n'tell. Here are some that I got from the Offical Holga Site

from here
I just looove the colours and there is so many interesting things to look at in each photo.
xx. j.

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