Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thank you Miss Bernina for your help!

I've no need to freak out!

I whipped up a quick skirt for the Hen's night that was on Saturday and I was very happy with the results, got the material from the stash (it was destined for an engagement party dress last year I do believe... how very appropriate!) and the pattern was from Weekend Designer's Dirndl Skirt pattern. I thought the directions were incredibly easy to understand and I thoroughly enjoyed drafting and making it - thanks Weekend Designer! (The next one I'll make is Ruffled Top, but I may give it a more exciting name, like Seaweed Fun Top... maybe I'll think harder about that name.)

(excuse the frightful mess behind! oops...)

Very exciting, pat on the back for me, now onto more important news: The Dress For the Upcoming Wedding now to be know as TDFUW (pronounced teed-fooo-wah).

I had to go with Option 1 Vogue 8494 in the end for one reason only and that is that the other 2 are not available yet in Aus shops! 'Dang' I said and quite loudly when I realised all that Internet research was for nought. Thank-youse very much for the comments, I agreed with you all in the end!

So I brought some cheap and beautiful teal coloured Shantung and I am in the process of sewing. More updates to come!

On an entirely different note, I love Melbourne - I hope you do too.

xx j.

1 comment:

poplin said...

Oooh, teal! Lovely!!

Have you been shoe shopping yet?