Sunday, January 18, 2009

A reminder list.

Ok, so the grand plan isn't working out real great I have knitted 1 beanie for me and 1 for the Salvo's, I just finished F's and now I'm rushing to finish N's plus in between I knitted one for KCF.

So score so far: Me: 1 Friends: 2 (almost 3) and Salvo's: 1

This means that I have 3 to catch up on for the Salvo's... hmm... maybe I can donate some food instead if I get too far behind. That's not a bad idea, it is still in keeping with my original idea just not putting as much pressure on myself. So clearly I need to sort out some rules here, to make it easy.

Rule 1: One For You, One For Me. But, if not possible...
Rule 2 (aka Plan B) : Tin Food and the good intention of getting back on track.


Right, now for the admin, here is a current list of beanie requests:
1. FrSk
2. Jn
3. Brn
4. Fko
5. Me!

Oh and even though she will never know this I want to send some good universe thank-you's to Fko's Mum, she made a bunch of cookies that taste really awesome.

(One day I promise photos, but not on this granny computer yet)
xx j.

1 comment:

Veronica Darling... said...

That is just the greatest plan! I like your blog, so thanks for following me otherwise I'd not have seen you!

I find I make stuff for me, my friends, and then my etsy store... but I should include one for a donation every now and again... !!! I do spend s**tloads at the op shops though... so perhaps my donations balance out there???

See you round!

p.s. did you sign up for Wardrobe Refashion?