Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I've twisted my knee, so snowboarding for the next few days are out. Which totally sucks. I have started knitting a beanie (to try and cross some people off my list) and today inspired by Gigi at Gigi Cakes and her delightful White Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes and Epicute and her cute food, and Kim at Love in the Oven, I made cupcakes. They are very pink, very rich and slightly odd shaped, but I don't own a muffin tin or an electric beater and they taste wicked so it's all alright. Oh, and usually, when I try to bake things go wrong, like earthquakes and snowstorms and horrible tasting stuff, and this time they didn't. Happy Val Day (even though I pretend not to care about that holiday) Mr J xx

(hehe... so odd... hehe!)

xx j.


Anonymous said...

Ooo! It's always such a lovely surprise when desserts turn out good, isn't it? I just HAD to have chocolate chip cookies a few weeks ago, and they actually came out quite tasty despite my having no eggs, milk or measuring cups (!!!).

I hope your knee feels better!

EmilyKate said...

Oh man, yumyumyumyumyum.